TikTok users drink tart cherry juice for better sleep. Is it effective?

People who have trouble falling asleep often have a variety of sleep tips available, from taking melatonin supplements to avoiding screens at night. But those who keep their phones on in bed may have seen the latest natural sleep aid discussed on TikTok: tart cherry juice.

As research on the juice has grown gradually over the last decade, a viral trend of TikTok has risenthe popularity of the juice.Some users are drinking the\”sleepy girl mocktails\”,a blend of tart cherry juice, magnesium powder, and Olipop, a low-sugar, high-fiber alternative to traditional soda;a movieFromthe concoctionhas garnered more than 1.4 million views and hundreds of comments on its effectiveness.

Others are \”testing\” tart cherry juice on theirsfussy kidsANDspouses,post recipes for tart cherry juicegummy candiesand trying to find a healthywater-juice dilutionfor children. Some users aretrying it when you experience aches and pains associated with theperiod.

While tart cherry juice has been heralded on social media as a miracle, the reason for its effectiveness is quite simple. Cherries are full of them melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain that is beneficial for sleep. It is often found in over-the-counter sleep supplements, the use of which has been increasing in the last few years.

\”Cherries contain a lot of melatonin, as do black walnuts,\” Christopher Winter, a neurologist and sleep physician at Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine, told SELF. \”Will (cherry juice) blow your mind? No. But if you have to eat or drink something before bed, I think cherry juice is a great thing to use. If anyone is interested to see if it can be helpful, it\’s more benign than a lot of other things out there.\”

Winter noted that many people actually harm sleep each night by consuming alcohol or fried foods. Bananas, nuts, turkey and milk are often recommended as sleep-promoting foods, while insomniacs are advised to avoid spicy foods, chocolate and citrus fruits before bedtime, according to Headspace.

In addition to being high in melatonin, tart cherry juice is also high in tryptophan, an amino acid that produces melatonin. As found in Turkey, it\’s often attributed to the drowsiness felt after eating a massive Thanksgiving feast, according to US News and World Report.

Tart cherry juice is very beneficial in those who lack natural melatonin, although it does raise both melatonin and melatonin levelstryptophanit can help people drift away faster, Deborah Cohen, an associate professor of clinical and preventive nutrition sciences at Rutgers University, told SELF.

Studies done on the impacts of tart cherry juice on sleep promotion are limited and have often used small groups of participants. A 2012 study of 20 people who drank tart cherry juice concentrate or a placebo before bed found that those who drank the juice had higher levels of melatonin in their urine than the placebo group.A Study 2018 with the elderly found that drinking tart cherry juice in the morning and evening for two weeks increased sleep time by about 84 minutes, noting that in addition to increasing sleep time and efficiency, it may be \”partially responsible for improving of insomnia\”.

In addition to moderate sleep benefits, tart cherry juice has been linked to better muscle recovery, lower blood pressure, improved brain health, and reduced pain and stress.

However, juice may not be for everyone. It can be very acidic, which means that acid reflux sufferers may have a hard time drinking it. Acidic foods can also impact tooth enamel, so those planning to try it may need to dilute it with water, CNBC reported. And ohUsing tart cherry juice can cause stomach pains and diarrhea due to its high sorbitol content, according to Live strongwhich can be especially challenging for people with irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn\’s disease.

Bonnie Taub-Dix, a registered dietitian, nutritionist, and author of \”Read It Before You Eat It,\” told TODAY that although tart cherries can help with sleep, the high concentration of sugar can have negative effects on blood sugar, especially in those with diabetes. Selecting a brand of juice that has no added sugar and pairing the drink with a snack of cheese or almonds, which are also high in tryptophan and melatonin, could balance out the negatives.

\”Not only will you calm the effect of the juice on blood sugar because drinking it with cheese or almonds helps slow the effects of the blood sugar spike, but it may also increase your ability to fall asleep.\” Taub-Dix said.

While tart cherry juice isn\’t a one-size-fits-all solution for insomnia, it can help people looking for a sleep aid. As with all TikTok health trends, independent research into possible drawbacks and seeking the advice of a doctor can help people stay safe, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

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