Cholesterol: Plant-based diets may reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks

Share on PinterestEating a more plant-based diet can help lower cholesterol levels. Maria Korneeva/Getty Images A vegetarian or vegan diet may help reduce cholesterol levels in the body, while also helping fight climate change, says a new meta-study. In particular, plant-based diets lower levels of a lipoprotein that is gaining interest as a better predictor … Read more

Crucial diets for male fertility

FromZarafshan Shirazdelhi A recent study of men in the journal, Human Reproduction Update, found that there is a 51.6% decline in sperm count over the past 45 years and this has mainly been attributed to lifestyle choices and harmful chemicals in the body. environment, so it has become imperative to follow healthy habits that can … Read more

Forty years of studies confirm that vegetarian and vegan diets reduce blood fats

Vegan and vegetarian diets are associated with lower concentrations of lipids such as blood cholesterol. Because some lipids cause atherosclerosis when they accumulate along the arterial walls, following these diets can reduce the risk of suffering from certain cardiovascular diseases. This is the conclusion of an analysis of 30 clinical studies conducted over the past … Read more

Keep Your Ticker in Top Shape Here are the best diets for heart health

For years, scientists have been convinced that banning most dietary fats is the key to lowering cholesterol and keeping your heart healthy. But recently, experts are recognizing that some fats (including monounsaturated fats like olive oil and polyunsaturated fats like omega-3 fatty acids) are actually helpful in keeping your circulation and heart strong. A low-fat … Read more