Single Dose Of Psilocybin Causes Long-Term Remission Of Depression In Over 50% Of Cancer Patients | Psychedelic spotlight

Great news for those researching new treatments for depression in cancer patients! Positive long-term follow-up data has just been released from Sunstone Therapies investigator-initiated Phase 2 study evaluating synthetic psilocybin COMPASS Pathways, with some rather promising results. Administration of a single 25 mg dose of psilocybin combined with psychological support resulted in 57% of patients … Read more

The nurse is accused of killing 2 patients through a lethal dose of insulin

Heather Pressdee, 40, is accused of giving lethal doses of insulin to three men at Quality Life Services in Chicora, Pennsylvania Two of the men died from the overdose and all three were under Pressdee\’s care at the time of the incidents, according to prosecutors. Pressdee says one of the men told her to \’kill … Read more