Experimental Weight Loss Drugs Aim to Surpass Stars Like Ozempic and Wegovy | Cnn

Cnn The new crop of drugs on the market for type 2 diabetes and obesity, including popular drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy, are more effective for weight loss than any previous drug, but doctors and researchers say there\’s still room for improvement. Next-generation options now under development could be easier and more convenient to take, … Read more

Will Medicare cover it? Drugs like Aduhelm are challenging his standard

This article is adapted from the latest STAT report: Decoding Medicare: 10 Key Coverage Decisions and How They\’re Made. mEdicares\’ decision to suspend coverage for Biogens Aduhelm despite the Alzheimer\’s drug approval by the Food and Drug Administrations has revived long-standing questions about how the federal program determines whether it will pay for new drugs … Read more

Medical group challenges FDA action to limit use of COVID-19 drugs

Case problem After the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a COVID-19 drug but restricted its use to hospitalized patients, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) launched a legal challenge. Has it prevailed? Credit: renaschild – stock.adobe.com Case facts From March 28 to June 15, 2020, the FDA issued an EUA … Read more

From Ritalin to Modafinil: how to take study drugs safely

With deadlines mounting and exams looming, some college students will turn to stimulants like Ritalin and Modafinil to help them study, here\’s how you can do it so sure Exam season is here, deadlines are looming and right now most students are wondering how they can get through the next few weeks let alone pass … Read more

Wegovy and Ozempic could be anti-addiction drugs as they cure drinking and drinking habits

Patients taking the successful weight-loss drug Wegovy are reporting an unusual added benefit that they are free from other addictions that used to rule their lives. Users across the country say their cravings for cigarettes and alcohol became less intense when they started taking the weight-loss shot. Others say that bad habits like nail biting, … Read more

The drug shortage in America reaches new heights

Illustration: Ada Amer/Axios Shortages of cancer drugs and other life-saving drugs are reaching their worst point in a decade, forcing doctors to develop alternative solutions and the Biden administration to mount a government-wide response. Because matter: Shortages are emerging deep-seated problems in the American drug supply chain, especially with regards to commonly used generic drugs. … Read more