Sacklers may be protected from opioid liability, appellate court rules

Members of the Sackler family, the billionaire owners of Purdue Pharma, will receive full immunity from all present and future civil legal claims over their role in the company\’s prescription opioid business, a federal appellate panel ruled Tuesday. The ruling gives the family the sweeping protection it has asked for for years, in exchange for … Read more

Asylum-seekers say joy over Title 42 end turns to anguish induced by new US rules

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) On the day President Joe Biden\’s administration ended a public health measure that blocked many asylum seekers at the Mexican border during the coronavirus pandemic, Teodoso Vargas was ready to show U.S. officials the his scars and photos of his bullet-riddled body. Instead, he froze with his pregnant wife and 5-year-old son … Read more