These simple tips can help you lose weight effectively

\”If you\’re lazy to start your weight loss journey but you\’re still not satisfied with your weight, try these simple tips,\” wrote the expert

\"\"\"weightAre you trying to lose weight? Try these tips (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

For some individuals, losing weight is absolutely necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of various ailments. However, it is an arduous journey that requires dedication and perseverance as losing those extra pounds requires a comprehensive approach involving dietary changes, regular exerciseand adopting sustainable habits. It\’s also challenging because it involves breaking established patterns, resisting temptations, and dealing with setbacks. But what if we tell you that you don\’t always have to resort to fancy diets and rigorous workouts to lose weight?

Yes, you read that correctly! If you are not sure go to a dedicated site weight loss routine, you can start by incorporating some simple habits that could help you shed those extra pounds. Sharing the same on Instagram, Nutrition and Wellness Consultant Neha Sahaya wrote: If you\’re lazy to start your weight loss journey but you\’re still not happy with your weight, try these simple tips.

She added that these tips will help set your mood and motivate you to start your weight loss journey. Here are the tips shared by Sahaya.

* Drink water before and after meals: The expert suggested consuming waterfall 20 minutes before and after meals. You have to drink water before your snacks too, she said.

Adding, Vishwas Awasthi, a famous fitness expert and nutritionist, said that drinking water before a meal can disrupt stomach acid, and drinking it right after a meal can impair digestion. That\’s because the stomach needs to be 75 percent full and 25 percent empty for bile and enzymes to be released, he said.

*Walk after lunch and dinner: A place on foot of 15 minutes lunch and dinner can be useful for you, Sahaya said. If you would like to do this after breakfast as well, that would be great.

However, Awasthi said walking right after a meal is not a good idea. 50-100 steps is absolutely fine. But ideally it shouldn\’t do this immediately as the body will have difficulty digesting the food and instead focus on energy expenditure and increased blood flow while walking. But if you go for a walk 30-45 minutes after a meal, then a 15-minute walk is fine, she said.

\"\" Drink water before and after meals (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

*10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups: Sahaya suggested making 10 lift and 10 sit-ups at any time of day. Eventually, you will find it super easy and you will be able to do it easier. Make sure you wear a watch to keep track of time, the expert said.

*A cup of vegetables before lunch and dinner: Sahaya suggested having a cup of greens before lunch and dinner. This will create a network in your intestines, yours blood sugar levels it will slowly rise and your stomach will already be half full.

Awasthi said vegetables buffer glucose levels and if a meal is balanced, a bowl of greens isn\’t really the key to fat loss unless you have a condition that requires the same.

*Make your dessert healthy: A craving for something sweet is normal, but indulging in unhealthy desserts can undo your weight loss plans. If you fancy a Sweetbe sure to add some dates or strawberries in some chocolate sauce and you\’re taken care of, Sahaya suggested.

Concluding, Awasthi said that while these are some factors that aid in fat loss, sleep, relationship with food, stress management, and having a health coach guide you on what works best based on your bio-individuality.

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First published on: 2023-05-30 at 13:20 CEST

#simple #tips #lose #weight #effectively

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