Why you should always check the color of your pee before getting on a plane, according to a hydration scientist

POV: You just stepped out of a cross-country red-eye and finally arrived at your quaint travel destination feeling anything but glamorous. (Read: Skin feels dry and crusty; body is dehydrated and in desperate need of a shower.) Why this always seems to happen after long days of travel isn\’t a mere coincidence, says Jennifer Williams, … Read more

Fact Check: Should You Have A Cold Drink After Eating Mangoes?

Our WhatsApp groups are often flooded with tons of unverified health tips and anecdotes masquerading as fact. Therefore, it is extremely crucial to substantiate these claims before blindly believing and following them to avoid any negative repercussions on your overall well-being. Today we bring you one such statement that is going viral on instant messaging … Read more