PTSD, anxiety related to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Stress-related disorders and anxiety are associated with a higher risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), suggests a new case-control study. The researchers compared more than 35,000 OHCA cases with a similar number of matched controls and found an almost 1.5-fold increased risk of long-term stressful conditions among OHCA patients compared with controls, with a similar … Read more

Alpha-Theta Neurofeedback Training for the treatment of PTSD

After the trauma, patients are in a state of permanent excitement. Alpha-Theta neurofeedback training aims to reduce its activation. Find out more here. Last update: May 25, 2023 Alpha-Theta neurofeedback training is an intervention with the potential to help a multitude of patients. Indeed, it is successfully used for the treatment of various clinical disorders, … Read more

Community workers may face a shortage of psychiatrists

A pilot project training lay community members to screen for and resolve common psychiatric disorders, addiction problems and suicide risk promises to offer timely, evidence-based health services to those with little or no access to effective treatment. The current shortage of mental health physicians is driven by increased demand from a population more willing to … Read more

The TX boss says he was fired during his PTSD appeal

Cameron Kraemer had the patience of Job. In work environments, his temperament rivaled the biblical prophet who endured many traumas but was not discouraged. In August, after two major structural fires and a May callout, Kraemer, who served as a firefighter for the city of Frisco for 27 years, lost control and yelled at employees. … Read more