Junk food consumption could negatively impact the quality of deep sleep: Research

Researchers at Uppsala University have examined how junk food affects sleep in a new study. In random order, healthy volunteers ate one unhealthy diet and one healthier one. The participants\’ deep sleep quality decreased after the unhealthy diet, compared with those following the healthier diet. The results of the study were published in the journal … Read more

Quality, cost of care similar between DO and MD

By Jacqueline La Pointe May 30, 2023 – A new study shows that doctors of osteopathic medicine, or DOs, have similar patient outcomes and costs of care to doctors of medicine (MDs). According to the recently published study on the Annals of Internal Medicine. Of the more than 329,000 Medicare hospitalizations analyzed: Patient mortality was … Read more

Reducing harm in health care for quality health

By Mohambry Nadesan (Morgan) Chetty The inability of health systems to put people first and mitigate harm requires all stakeholders to refocus and revise public health policies. On an international scale, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world the need for a health system for all, prioritizing saving and improving lives. However, research conducted before … Read more