Change your body by changing your mind – get ready for real weight loss

Stock Image | Photo by Inside Creative House/iStock/Getty Images Plus, St. George News CHARACTERISTIC It\’s starting to heat up outside and as summer approaches, losing weight tends to be on the minds of many. Each of the millions of people who anxiously try to lose weight each year does so for a multitude of life-enhancing … Read more

When couples say they broke up over money, that\’s not the real reason, says the therapist. That\’s what it is

Psychoanalyst Orna Guralnik says money is one of the biggest stressors in relationships. While financial matters can spark intense conflict for couples, Guralnik doesn\’t believe money, or lack of it, is the real reason they broke up. Two people in a relationship can have very different attitudes about money, Guralnik said. Orna Guralnik on Showtime\’s … Read more