Recreational drug Special K at focus of new treatments for depression

Links to the Breadcrumb trail News Local news Ketamine, a common anesthetic, has entered the mainstream as a potentially game-changing treatment for depression. Published on May 31, 2023 Last updated 25 minutes ago 3 minute read Dr Jennifer Phillips is Acting Chief Science Officer at the Royals Institute of Mental Health Research. Photo by Tony … Read more

Researchers combine cannabis and psilocybin for medical treatments

The combination of cannabinoids and psilocybin in a single formula for the treatment of physical and mental health problems has taken one step closer to reality, as described in a product patent of a leading cannabinoid laboratory, CaaMTech. CaaMTech, based in Issaquah, Washington, less than 20 miles southeast of Seattle, is analyzing how the two … Read more

How new EU incentives will help all patients get the best treatments

Pharmaceutical manufacturers have historically focused on large, high-value markets, leaving those in smaller countries struggling to find the latest drugs. New EU legislation is designed to correct this imbalance. Medical advances can bring about life-changing improvements, especially for those suffering from long-term conditions. Every year new treatments are discovered that work better or have fewer … Read more