Attention! Wrong exercises can make acid reflux worse; Know simple ways to relieve heartburn

If you exercise and feel heartburn and acid reflux, you\’re doing something wrong. According to health experts, heartburn from exercise is a serious problem and should be addressed immediately, otherwise it can cause many other underlying ailments. Read on to learn what types of exercise should be avoided and tips for relieving heartburn. Updated May … Read more

People With Type 2 Diabetes May Benefit From Afternoon Exercise, Study Shows | Cnn

Kobus Louw/E+/Getty Images The researchers concluded that \”timing seems to matter\” when it comes to exercise. Cnn People with type 2 diabetes should exercise in the afternoon instead of the morning to manage their blood sugar, according to a new study. In this study, we showed that adults with type 2 diabetes had the greatest … Read more

Exercise Linked to Increased Pain Tolerance New Study

Many benefits come from regular exercise, including stronger muscles, lower risk of disease, and improved mental health. But a recent study suggests that exercise may have another unexpected benefit: It could make us more tolerant of pain. The study, published in the journal PLOS One, found that people who exercised regularly had a higher pain … Read more

Treatment of depression reduces cardiovascular risk

Patients who manage their depression through psychological therapy have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. This is the result of a large cohort study conducted in the UK. \”Those whose symptoms of depression improved after therapy were 10% to 15% less likely to experience a cardiovascular event than those who did not,\” the authors reported … Read more