The study analyzes the effects of state-level policies on the use of anti-opioid drugs

States that want to increase access to buprenorphine, a life-saving drug used to treat opioid use disorder, should consider efforts to improve professional education and clinical knowledge, according to a new RAND Corporation study. Examining six state-level policies aimed at increasing buprenorphine use, the researchers found that requiring buprenorphine prescribers to receive additional education beyond … Read more

Nine FSU students to study and teach around the world after earning Fulbright scholarships – Florida State University News

From the left. Top: Michelle Perez, Denisha Campbell, Tessa Santner. Middle Row: Miguel Gonzalez, Rachel Neale, Arria Hauldin. Bottom: Caitlin Mims, Rachel Blankenship, Mia Hernandez. Nine current and former Florida State University students have been awarded scholarships through the prestigious Fulbright U.S. student program. Winners include graduate and undergraduate students and represent a range of … Read more

Ketamine shows promise for hard-to-treat depression in a new study

A new study suggests that, for some patients, the anesthetic ketamine is a promising alternative to electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, currently one of the fastest and most effective therapies for patients with hard-to-treat depression. The study is the largest direct comparison of the two treatments. Patients who fail to respond to at least two antidepressants, … Read more

Can multivitamins improve memory? A new study shows \’intriguing\’ results.

The brain requires a large number of nutrients for optimal health and efficiency, but micronutrients are typically absorbed better through foods than through supplements. Grace Cary/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption on/off Grace Cary/Getty Images The brain requires a large number of nutrients for optimal health and efficiency, but micronutrients are typically absorbed better through … Read more

People With Type 2 Diabetes May Benefit From Afternoon Exercise, Study Shows | Cnn

Kobus Louw/E+/Getty Images The researchers concluded that \”timing seems to matter\” when it comes to exercise. Cnn People with type 2 diabetes should exercise in the afternoon instead of the morning to manage their blood sugar, according to a new study. In this study, we showed that adults with type 2 diabetes had the greatest … Read more

Exercise Linked to Increased Pain Tolerance New Study

Many benefits come from regular exercise, including stronger muscles, lower risk of disease, and improved mental health. But a recent study suggests that exercise may have another unexpected benefit: It could make us more tolerant of pain. The study, published in the journal PLOS One, found that people who exercised regularly had a higher pain … Read more

Daily multivitamin improves memory in older adults, study shows

Share on PinterestA daily multivitamin may offer a modest benefit to cognitive function among older adults, according to a new study. Kemal Yildrim/Getty Images A daily multivitamin may offer a modest benefit to cognitive function, according to new research. The three-year study showed improved memory among subjects taking a daily multivitamin. Study subjects with cardiovascular … Read more

NCAA Study: Sports Betting Prevalent Among Young Adults Amid Rise in Advertising

Amid growing concerns about the prevalence of sports betting on college campuses, an NCAA a survey of 3,527 young people between the ages of 18 and 22 found that 58% had engaged in at least one sports betting activity. Charlie Baker he commissioned the poll weeks after he took office as NCAA president.Opinion diagnostics conducted … Read more

Study: Smoking weed not linked to COPD

Marijuana smoking is not associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, according to a newly released study. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles looked at participants who smoke or have smoked tobacco cigarettes and divided them into three groups: current, former, or never smokers. The study authors said limited data are available … Read more

From Ritalin to Modafinil: how to take study drugs safely

With deadlines mounting and exams looming, some college students will turn to stimulants like Ritalin and Modafinil to help them study, here\’s how you can do it so sure Exam season is here, deadlines are looming and right now most students are wondering how they can get through the next few weeks let alone pass … Read more