A functional bodybuilding coach has shared 7 bodyweight exercises to build muscle

This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, on their website. Functional bodybuilding coach Marcus Filly is all about building strength and muscle safely and sustainably, and while much of his training advice revolves around weightlifting … Read more

Build full-body strength without weights using this TRX Suspension Trainer workout

Many people believe that the only way to build muscle is to lift weights. That\’s not true, you can gain muscle mass with bodyweight training…up to a point. If you reach that point and you\’re facing the cost of a gym membership or a pair of adjustable dumbbells and can\’t justify the expense, a suspension … Read more

9 daily habits to build your endurance after 40

If there\’s one aspect of fitness and vitality that begins to decline dramatically with age, it\’s endurance. However, with the right approach and some simple changes to your daily routine, you can recover and even increase your stamina and endurance. Plus, we have great news: Incorporating the following habits into your lifestyle can have a … Read more

4 things to do every night to help you build muscle | livestrong.com

Getting enough sleep and eating a protein-rich snack before bed can help you build muscle. Image credit: PeopleImages/iStock/GettyImages If you\’re looking to build muscle, you\’re probably at the top of your workouts. But there\’s more to adding size than just squats and biceps. \”If your goal is to build muscle and you stick to your … Read more

I asked ChatGPT to build me a workout plan for a bigger butt

ChatGPT can do a lot. It can create playlists, help with house hunting, interpret and analyze data, assist with writing and editing, encode, and even play games. It can be your personal trainer too(opens in a new tab) and dietician? I asked the OpenAI chatbot to train me. For a full month, I followed his … Read more

HHS awards funding to build Biden-Harris administration\’s 988 crisis care lifeline

New funding will expand mobile crisis response teams Today, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), awarded 13 grants to communities to create new and enhance existing mobile crisis response teams. The teams will respond to mental health and substance use crises … Read more