How medical recoding may limit options for breast reconstruction for cancer patients

The federal government is reconsidering a decision that breast cancer patients, plastic surgeons and members of Congress have protested would limit women\’s options for reconstructive surgery. On June 1, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services plans to review how doctors are paid for a type of breast reconstruction known as a DIEP flap, in … Read more

Long COVID can make exercise more difficult, and research is revealing why

WEDNESDAY, May 31, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Lack of energy for exercise is a common problem for people with so-called long-term COVID. New research pinpoints the most likely reason why: reduced ability to get the heart pumping fast enough to sustain exertion. The name for this is chronotropic incompetence. The amount of aerobic exercise an … Read more

Junk food consumption could negatively impact the quality of deep sleep: Research

Researchers at Uppsala University have examined how junk food affects sleep in a new study. In random order, healthy volunteers ate one unhealthy diet and one healthier one. The participants\’ deep sleep quality decreased after the unhealthy diet, compared with those following the healthier diet. The results of the study were published in the journal … Read more

Drink and eat these surprising foods to fend off memory loss: New research

Nutrition From Marc Lallanilla May 30, 2023 | 1.45pm Forget something? Can\’t you remember the name of the actor you know, the one from that movie? Maybe you need more red wine and cherries in your diet, suggests a new study. Researchers found that people whose diets were low in flavanols, a substance found in … Read more

Scientific statement calls for greater diversity in endocrinopedic and gender care research

Source/Disclosures Published by: Disclosures: Diaz-Thomas does not report material financial information. Please see the scientific statement for all relevant financial information from all other authors. ADD A TOPIC TO E-MAIL ALERTS Receive an email when new articles are posted on Please provide your email address to receive an email … Read more

The study analyzes the effects of state-level policies on the use of anti-opioid drugs

States that want to increase access to buprenorphine, a life-saving drug used to treat opioid use disorder, should consider efforts to improve professional education and clinical knowledge, according to a new RAND Corporation study. Examining six state-level policies aimed at increasing buprenorphine use, the researchers found that requiring buprenorphine prescribers to receive additional education beyond … Read more

New Research Findings on Best Fasting Duration for Fat Loss (12 vs 36 vs 72 Hours) BOSROX

Check out the new findings from scientific studies on how long and how often you should fast if fat loss is your goal. BOSROX has previously written about the differences between prolonged fasting and intermittent fasting. And now, there\’s a little more light on the debate about whether one is better than the other, as … Read more

New research shows the link between cannabis and psychosis

(NewsNation) As the legalization of recreational marijuana spreads, a growing body of research suggests there may be a possible risk between the drug and serious mental health problems. There is concern about a possible link between cannabis, psychosis and schizophrenia, and research suggests that young people are at highest risk. Laura and John Stack are … Read more

From soy to almonds: are milk substitutes healthier?

Shavuot is upon us, and like every year, we\’ll join family and friends for a feast around a table full of dairy and cheesecake. But what happens when dairy products reach our digestive system? Adi Zusman, clinical nutritionist, points out that a significant percentage of the population suffers from various sensitivities and dairy products can … Read more

Precision nutrition and the gut microbiome: the impact of blueberries

In a recent study published in the journal Antioxidants, researchers explored the impacts of precision nutrition on gut microbiome variation. Study: Variation in crop, host and gut microbiome influences precision nutrition: an example of blueberries. Image Credit: BukhtaYurii/ Background Nutrition research funding is increasingly focused on precision nutrition, which has recently received significant interest. Fruit … Read more